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Role-based task assignment

Assign tasks based on resources' roles in the organisation

Goel, K., Fehrer, T., Röglinger, M., & Wynn, M. T. (2023). Not Here, But There: Human Resource Allocation Patterns. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (pp. 377–394).


Performance considerations

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Foundational free Patterns

Buffer information

Buffer external information and subscribe to updates

Distinguish case types

Determine whether activities are related to the same type of case and, if necessary, distinguish new business processes

Apply Integral technology

Elevate physical constraints by applying new technology

Minimize numerical involvement

Too many cooks spoil the broth

Outsource activities

Delegate and optimize your operations


Consider to deepen or broaden the skills of resources

Shift Workload

Execute tasks when the grid is powered by renewable energy

Task delegation

Reassign tasks along the organisational hierarchy

Teamwork-based assignment

Allocate task based on collaborative experience: handover time, interactions, diversity


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Expertise-based task assignment

Match tasks to experts' specialized skills for efficiency

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