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Tailored privacy settings

Offer customers the possibility to choose among privacy settings

Frank, L., Poll, R., Röglinger, M., & Lea, R. (2020). Design heuristics for customer-centric business processes. Business Process Management Journal, 26(6)


Companies need to show customers that they really care about their privacy. They can do this by telling people about their privacy rules or by letting customers set their own privacy preferences, even if it goes beyond what the law requires. For instance, customers should be able to choose different levels of privacy before and during using a service. It's also important for companies to explain how these privacy choices might affect the service and how customers experience it. This means some features might not work if you have very strict privacy settings.

Performance considerations

Allianz allows customers to choose whether they want to release the doctor from the obligation of confidentiality for one specific issue or for all prospective issues. This way, customers can decide themselves how much details of their health records Allianz may access. Deutsche Bank offers its customers benchmarking services for personal expenses in case they grant access to own data.

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