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Constraint-based task assignment

Allocate tasks considering business process execution constraints

Assign tasks to resources based on constraints associated with the execution of tasks within the business process

Goel, K., Fehrer, T., Röglinger, M., & Wynn, M. T. (2023). Not Here, But There: Human Resource Allocation Patterns. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (pp. 377–394).


Performance considerations

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Foundational free Patterns

Distinguish case types

Determine whether activities are related to the same type of case and, if necessary, distinguish new business processes

Isolate exceptions

Design business processes for typical cases and isolate exceptional cases from the normal flow

Consolidate Work

Collect similar work items and work in batches

Green Compensation

Start implementing actions that can offset or counterbalance the environmental effects generated by business processes that cannot be changed.

Automate for environmental impact

Implement automation in a sustainable way

Role-based task assignment

Assign tasks based on resources' roles in the organisation

Constraint-based task assignment

Allocate tasks considering business process execution constraints

Quality-based task assignment

Allocate task based on past feedback or quality metrics

Cost-based task assignment

Delegate tasks according to resource cost


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Workload-based task assignment

Allocate tasks based on individuals' incomplete workload

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