Move activities to more appropriate places
Reijers, H., & Liman Mansar, S. (2005). Best practices in business process redesign: an overview and qualitative evaluation of successful redesign heuristics. Omega, 33(4)
The current sequencing of tasks in existing workflows may not fully reflect the logical constraints that need to be observed between tasks. As a result, it can occasionally be advantageous to delay a task, particularly if it is not necessary for tasks that immediately follow. By doing this, there's a chance that the task may turn out to be unnecessary, leading to cost savings. Moreover, positioning a task closer to another task of a similar nature can potentially reduce setup times. Examples of these resequencing strategies include the knock-out heuristic, control relocation, and the parallelism heuristic.
flowchart LR
Foundational free Patterns
Consider automating activities
Combine small activities into composite activities
Establish a case-based mindset
Remove batch-processing and periodic activities from your business process
Consider whether activities may be executed in parallel
Collect similar work items and work in batches
Start implementing actions that can offset or counterbalance the environmental effects generated by business processes that cannot be changed.
Let customers interact with your organization whenever they want to.
Preference-based task assignment
Let people do what they love to do
Distribute tasks by interdepartmental interactions to enable or restrict involvement
Order knock-outs by least effort and highest termination probability first.
Consider whether activities may be executed in parallel