Avoid shared responsibilities for tasks by people from different functional units
Reijers, H., & Liman Mansar, S. (2005). Best practices in business process redesign: an overview and qualitative evaluation of successful redesign heuristics. Omega, 33(4)
The idea behind this redesign pattern is that tasks for which different departments share responsibility are more likely to be a source of neglect and conflict.
Reducing the overlap in responsibilities should lead to a better quality of task execution. A higher responsiveness to available work items may be developed also, so that clients are served quicker. On the other hand, reducing the effective number of resources that is available for a work item may have a negative effect on its throughput time, as more queuing may occur.
Foundational free Patterns
Assign a responsible individual for handling each case type
Form cross-department teams for end-to-end case handling.
If capacity is insufficient, consider increasing the available number of resources
Order knock-outs by least effort and highest termination probability first.
Move activities to more appropriate places
Let customers interact with the company wherever they want to
Let customers interact with your organization whenever they want to.
Explore whether a process can easily be used for additional products or services
Distribute tasks by interdepartmental interactions to enable or restrict involvement