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Distinguish case types

Determine whether activities are related to the same type of case and, if necessary, distinguish new business processes

Reijers, H., & Liman Mansar, S. (2005). Best practices in business process redesign: an overview and qualitative evaluation of successful redesign heuristics. Omega, 33(4)


One should be cautious of parts of business processes that are not specific for the business process they are part of. Ignoring this phenomenon may result in a less effective management of such a sub-process and a lower efficiency. Applying this heuristic may result in faster processing times and less cost.

Especially Berg and Pottjewijd (1997) convincingly warn for parts of business processes that are not specific for the business process they are part of. Ignoring this phenomenon may result in a less effective management of this "subflow" and a lower efficiency.

Note that this heuristic is in some sense similar to the triage concept. The main interpretation of the triage concept can be seen as a translation of the case type pattern on a activity level.

Performance considerations

Applying this best practice may yield faster processing times and less cost. Also, distinguishing common subflows of many different flows may yield effciency gains. Yet, it may also result in more coordination problems between the business process (quality) and less possibilities for rearranging the business process as a whole (flexibility).

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Foundational free Patterns

Appoint case managers

Assign a responsible individual for handling each case type

Work in customer teams

Form cross-department teams for end-to-end case handling.

Deploy extra resources

If capacity is insufficient, consider increasing the available number of resources

Fail Early

Order knock-outs by least effort and highest termination probability first.

Resequence activities

Move activities to more appropriate places

Offer location flexibility

Let customers interact with the company wherever they want to

Offer temporal flexibility

Let customers interact with your organization whenever they want to.

Generalize your process

Explore whether a process can easily be used for additional products or services

Department-based assignment

Distribute tasks by interdepartmental interactions to enable or restrict involvement


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Apply triage

Consider the division of a general activity into two or more alternative activities

Assign cases

Let workers perform as many steps as possible for single cases

Establish a case-based mindset

Remove batch-processing and periodic activities from your business process

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