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Foundational basic Patterns

Establish standardized interfaces

Consider a standardized interface with customers and partners

Green Variant

Offer a green alternative with the same outcome, utilizing different steps, resources, or partners, while retaining the previous existing process

Human Process Performance

Consider whether it is eco-friendly to let humans work over machines

Offer temporal flexibility

Let customers interact with your organization whenever they want to.

Offer Customer self-service

Offer customers the possibility to serve themselves

First-contact problem resolution

Establish a one-contact resolution for customer issues

Preference-based task assignment

Let people do what they love to do

Task delegation

Reassign tasks along the organisational hierarchy

Quality-based task assignment

Allocate task based on past feedback or quality metrics


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Patterns paired

Apply triage

Consider the division of a general activity into two or more alternative activities


Consider to deepen or broaden the skills of resources

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